This blog is for the christian woman who is also a mommy. A woman that believes God has given her a very important task and wants to give her very best to see that the world her children live in has been touched and changed by her. There are 85.2 million moms in the world. The press has nonchalantly named us the sleeping giant. "Why" you may ask. It is because we are so consumed with our responsibility that the issues of the world around us seem to fall off our radar. If we actually found a way to stay on top of current events and made our voices heard it is unconceivable how we might change this country. Waking the Giant is designed to help all of us moms keep on task and also change our world. We are asking for moms to commit to one minute a day of prayer about current issues that effect our children and families. Each week we will put a new focus on the blog. Check in every Monday and see what we are praying for the week. If we can't spare one minute a day to effect the lives of our children than we are missing the mark to what God has called us to do. Will you join us in "Waking the Giant" and changing the world?
I wake everyday thankful to God for the life he has blessed me with. I have an amazing husband and 3 just as amazing kiddos. Being at home with them is the best!